San Quentin. The most notable, dangerous, and violent prison in America. Murders and attempted murders don’t happen daily. They happen hourly. As 14 boys between the ages of 7 and 17 braced themselves at the front gate for a “visit” into what would most likely become their new home in the future if they didn’t change the course of their life, the prison’s Public Relations Officer asked them one simple question. “Why are the walls around this prison so damn high and thick?” The boys threw out the most common answer as they took notice of the size of the wall. “To keep prisoners from escaping.” “No!” said the PR Officer. “It’s to keep your grandkids from escaping.”

Statistically, the children and grandchildren of convicted offenders will themselves become criminals. The statistic expands sideways as well as down. With the average offender having 2 children, and those 2 children have 2 children each, then the original offender will have 4 grandchildren incarcerated at some point in their life. As it turned out, once polled, every boy in attendance did, in fact, have a father who was incarcerated, paroled or on probation either currently or at one time in his life. One of the 7-year-old boys in attendance had a father, an uncle, and an older brother all currently serving time in San Quentin together.

The CAMOHERO™ brand was designed with this unfortunate fact in mind. We believe that we can use our brand to reverse this statistic. If each life that was affected negatively could have a trickle-down effect, why couldn’t lives touch positively have the same results?

Our goal is to use the financial support given to CAMOHERO™ to introduce children and teens that are at-risk, underprivileged, abused, and with health disorders to life-changing experiences that they have no other way to experience. Events, opportunities, activities, and outings that lead to goals, ambitions, and careers. Giving them life skills that they will not only use to better themselves but will pass on to their future generations. Opportunities that will take them out of the inner cities, poverty, juvenile halls, and hospitals and put them in parts of the country and environment that they have never experienced before let alone even know existed. And as a result, find a reason and a purpose for their life and pursue it with passion and appreciation.

As hard as it is to believe there are children who have spent their entire lives growing up in San Francisco and yet have never seen the Golden Gate Bridge. Similar children in New York have never seen the Statue of Liberty. This fact pre-programs them to believe that the world that they currently know is the only world that they will ever know. To them life is limited, not limitless. We believe different. We know better. So should they. And they should be given every opportunity to experience it to the fullest. Life should not be survived, it should be lived.

In its entirety what the CAMOHERO™ Brand offers is a wide variety of assistance to those in need in many different ways. From building stronger communities weakened by crime and poverty to rebuilding communities destroyed by fires and hurricanes. And our best tool to do this with is by utilizing and fulfilling the dreams, desires and passions of the younger generation. We are introducing an entirely new world to the young lives who feel trapped in the world they were born into or subjected to. Our work with them gives them a new perspective on life, a purpose worth striving and living for, and a value worth sharing. An appreciation for life and a deep desire and willingness to live it to its fullest potential.

As you look upon the slogans on our shirts, each one was inspired by issues that are critically important to the younger generation. Important issues that will need to be addressed for generations to come. CAMOHERO™ provides opportunities for the younger generation to take an active role in being a part of the positive changes in the world that they want to see. We achieve this by showing them how they can use their dreams, passions, interests, and hobbies to be that positive, uplifting, and promising change. We guide them towards using positive methods of influence that benefits all people instead of victimizing them.

We are not offering them a chance to sit on their butts and be entertained for a few hours. We are providing them the opportunity to stand on their feet and experience what will last them a lifetime. We are not granting them a wish that will last them a day but instead providing them with an opportunity that will last them a lifetime.

Children are our most valuable resource for one day they will determine the direction of the world. It is heartbreaking to see them lash out at society because they feel unappreciated, limited, and without a promising and rewarding future. It is why depression is rampant and suicide is appealing. Their life should not be about struggling and surviving, but appreciating and enjoying.

The question isn’t, “How are we going to do it?” But instead, “Why hasn’t it been done?” By working with a team who has a combined experience record of over 100 years treating literally thousands of adolescents and teens and as a result saving them from incarceration, depression/suicide, drug and alcohol use, and redirecting them towards a brighter, healthier, and more rewarding future we know how to change their lives for the better. Now we have to make it the Best.

Our programs expose and redirect the adolescent and teens to a world and future they either thought was out of reach or didn’t even know existed. We take the issues, hobbies, goals, and dreams that are important to the adolescent and mix it with similar activities and experiences. We then weave in the positive interaction with their parent(s) to give them a closer family life, teachers to give them a stronger education, law enforcement to give them a shared respect and trust for each other, neighbors to give them a stronger community and the public to give them an appreciation, love, and respect for one another.

The success lies in giving them the opportunities to do something in their life that is exciting and thrilling while being appreciated, wanted, needed, cherished, protected, and loved. And do it in such a way that they too want to pass on to their future generations what they have learned.

A main focus of the CAMOHERO™ Brand outreach is to inspire, encourage and support young girls and teens to participate in activities, events and educational courses that are, or were, stereotyped to be of male interests only. Past experiences with this type of introduction and engagement have proven to be extremely successful with many of the girls involved. Many of them contribute much of their positive traits in life with the experience of the program and share them with friends, family members, and children of their own. Carefully selected activities lead to an overall well-balanced development in their young lives that inspires positive life changing qualities such as strength, courage, perseverance, accomplishment, pride, independence, confidence, friendship, trustworthiness, dependability, thoughtfulness and caring.

Our programs are designed to give them the experience of being a rescuer, a savior, a role model, a positive change in the world, and most importantly, a HERO.

This type of outreach is also critical to the CAMOHERO™ brand marketing method as well. We are not looking for the credit for what we do. That is the gratitude that we pass on to YOU as our sponsor for being so supportive and generous. We use our outreach in our marketing to help inspire, motivate, encourage, and support other children and teens reach goals they never thought possible. Their success will be shared across the globe to BILLIONS of people through videos, social media, storylines, testimonials, media coverage and live events. It is our way of showing the young lives that we are fortunate enough to work with and touch that the world that they didn’t even know existed is now rooting for, supporting and caring about them.

Although the charitable giving program of CAMOHERO™ is making an incredible difference in people’s lives, we believe that the real credit belongs to our sponsors! Without you, our work would never achieve the impact that it has.

When a corporation like yours is willing to take on a sponsorship role, it means a great deal – to us, to our recipients, to the community-at-large and even to your employees who take pride in the fact that they work for a company with a heart. A company that would be there for them and their families if needed. Your corporate support signals your genuine connection to public needs and demonstrates your fundamental values. It means ‘a better life for all is on the way!’ In return for your generosity, we feel privileged and honored to help YOU shine for all the world to see.

CAMOHERO™. Come on board and be a part of our life-changing experience.

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